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Ownership of rights:
All rights, including copyrights, on this website are owned by or licensed to Bio'ty Lab BV. Any use of this website (including text, layout, graphics, presentation, logos, software and other components of this site) or its contents, including copying or storing it in whole or in part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without our permission. The website is protected by the intellectual property rights of Bio'ty Lab BV or its suppliers relating to copyrights, neighboring rights, database and trademark rights. Reproduction, distribution, sale, distribution, publication, adaptations, translations, editing and use for commercial purposes of all or part of this website is prohibited without prior written permission obtained from Bio'ty Lab BV.
Protection of Property:
Bio'ty Lab BV makes efforts to protect all information provided in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The information we collect about you is stored on a secure server.
We ask you to register with us if you wish to use the following features of our site; purchase goods, request information or use our advice, sign up for our electronic newsletter. You are required to share personal information and details with us. This may include; name, address, telephone number, email address, payment details (if you order a product).
This information is then stored in our 'my account' function. You can access, edit and delete this information from this area at any time or you can contact us ( to change your personal information and details.
Storage of information:
Information you provide to us ensures that we are able to complete your order and that it may be used for the following end uses:
Safety and processing:
The latest technology is used to ensure that all transactional information is protected.
Protected information includes:
- your personal contact details
- credit or debit card details
- any other names and addresses provided by you when you ask us to deliver to another address or person
- the purchase of history
We process all payments via MutisafePay. They pass the most stringent levels of fraud screening, ensuring that customer details remain safe during the transaction.
Bio'ty Lab respects the Belgian law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data as amended by the Belgian law of December 11, 1998 implementing Directive 95/46/EC of October 24, 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. Personally identifiable information is obtained by us or disclosed by you or collected through the use of cookies.
Cookies are small files containing pieces of information that are automatically stored on the hard drive of your computer to facilitate site access and navigation, make it faster and more efficient and to individualize the site according to your personal preferences. Cookies cannot be read by a website other than the one that created them. Most browsers are configured to allow you to accept or reject cookies, as well as indicate when a cookie is being used. Rejecting the use of cookies may prevent optimal site navigation. You may experience technical difficulties when using our website if you have disabled cookies. We use cookies to log you in and maintain the shopping cart during your visit to our online shop.
Our cookies cannot remember credit card or payment details.
We do not employ any tracking or data collection mechanism through the use of cookies.
Bio'ty endorses the Code of Conduct (ISPA Code of Conduct. Version 1.0), approved by ISPA (Internet Service Providers Association). ISPA Belgium vzw was founded to defend the interests of Internet providers in Belgium and to promote the Internet in Belgium. The Code of Conduct is a collection of general deontological rules and rules of courtesy developed by Internet users.
We reserve the right to make changes to Bio'ty Lab's privacy policy at any time without notice. You are therefore advised to consult this page regularly to ensure that you are familiar with the most recent version.
March 2024 version